Bina Warehouse has been working closely with ALNO for over 22 years, bringing their fine German kitchens to discerning Malaysian households.
For decades, ALNO has ranked among the most innovative brands in the kitchen industry. Numerous awards and prizes accompany the long-established company’s 90-year success story.
The recipe for success: they always tread new paths, not only setting store by their own experience, innovative strength and top quality but also by unique materials, such as ceramic, glass and wood – to create kitchens in pioneering designs.
Over recent years, ALNO kitchens, like the ALNOMARECUCINA, ALNOCERA and ALNOATTRACT, have excited the market and set new standards that have become international trends. It will be interesting to see which innovative concepts will be the next ones to surprise the kitchen world.
Because one thing is certain even today: ALNO will be ahead of its time in the future too.
Programme: 448 ALNOBRIT/45A magnolia white structure
Colour: Magnolia white structure
AlnoStar Cera
Programme: 400 ALNOSTAR CERA/372 oxides Grigio
Colour: Oxides Grigio
AlnoSund, AlnoShape
Programme: 440 ALNOSUND/30A violet gray structure /
442 ALNOSHAPE/40A light gray structure
Colour: Light gray matt, violet gray structural
AlnoArt Wood Glas
Programme: 336 ALNOART woodglas/463 nut
Colour: High gloss walnut
AlnoStar Sund, AlnoStar Vetrina
Programme: 376 ​​ALNOSTAR VETRINA/237 Black Hgl /
440 ALNOSUND/30A violet gray structural
AlnoSign, AlnoStar Wood
Programme: 242 ALNOSIGN/364 Kashmir Hgl /
404 ALNOSTAR WOOD/341 oak smoke gray
Colour: Oak smoked gray, HGL cashmere
Programme: 322 ALNOPRIME/525 Kashmir glossy Colour: Kashmir glossy |
AlnoPlan, AlnoSund
Programme: 252 ALNOPLAN/11A Silva beech-Nb., /
440 ALNOSUND/32A curry yellow structure
Colour: Silva beech, yellow curry
AlnoClassic, AlnoVetrina
Programme: 346 ALNOCLASS/797 Carbon oak / 368 ALNOVETRINA/127 platinum blue metallic Hgl |
AlnoVetrina, AlnoSplit
Programme: 368 ALNOVETRINA/309 Ultra White Hgl /
227 ALNOSPLIT/397 Vintage Grey
Colour: Vintagrau, ultra white
Programme: 242 ALNOSIGN/739 magnolia white Hgl
Colour: High gloss magnolia white
AlnoArt Pro Edition fly
Programme: 338 ALNOGLOSS/197 Kashmir Hgl
Colour: Glossy Kashmir
AlnoStar Dur
Programme: 314 ALNOART pro/314 ALNOART pro/483 champagne metallic Hgl
Colour: 483 glossy champagne metallic
AlnoSign Edition fly
Programme: 242 ALNOSIGN/747 quartz gray Hgl
Colour: Glossy quartz gray
AlnoSatina, AlnoPlan
Programme: 370 ALNOSATINA/134 white matt, / 252 ALNOPLAN/182 Wild Maple Nb.
Programme: 398 ALNOSTAR DUR/57A mud brick structure
Colour: Mud, stone structure
Programme: 348 ALNOCHARME/472 White Hgl
Colour: High gloss white
AlnoArt Pro
Programme: 264 ALNOPOL/892 White Hgl
Programme:394 ALNOCLASSIC/234 oak graphite
Colour: Oak graphite
Programme: 314 ALNOART pro/484 graphite metallic Hgl
Colour: High gloss black